Sunday, March 31, 2013

Gordon B. Hinckley

When I think of amazing people I always think of Gordon B Hinckley.  His voice seemed to always bring peace to me.  He had a way of making people all over the world feel loved and calm.  His quotes have always been an inspiration to me.  They always seem to help me along the way of this crazy path of life.  here is one of my favorite quotes...

As many others, I often find myself associating some of the "sacrifices" that I make as restrictions   However, when we truly look deeper we learn that these things are not restrictions.  In reality, they give us the most freedom and joy out of all of the options.  I hope to keep this quote in mind all of the time!

xoxo Lexi

Come Ye Children of the Lord

Today while I was listening to Come Ye Children of the Lord by the Lower Lights, I was struck by the following words in the third verse,

All arrayed in spotless white, We will dwell mid truth and light.
We will sing the songs of praise; We will shout in joyous lays.
Earth shall then be cleansed from sin. Every living thing therein
Shall in  love and beauty dwell; Then with joy each heart will swell.

Oh what a glorious day it will be when we are reunited with our Savior.  Won't it be beautiful to see our savior who died so that we could come and live with him again?  Won't we cry tears of joy to live in love and peace?  I think that is will be spectacular to feel love radiating around you and to feel the greatest joy ever. In today's world there is so much darkness and lies.  Won't it be wonderful to live "mid truth and light?"  After listening to this song, it encouraged me to follow the straight and narrow path so that I may return once again to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  How spectacular!

xoxo Lexi